Wpływ gospodarki człowieka na procesy geologiczne w regionie krakowskim


  • Jacek Rutkowski
  • Leszek Starkel


INFLUENCE OF THE HUMAN ECONOMY ON GEOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN THE CRACOW REGION, SOUTH POLAND Summary In the Cracow region a substancial change in type and intensity of geological processes started during the early Neolithic phase of forest clearance and agriculture about 6500-6000 years BP. During following phases of spreading of the settlement the arable land and meadows occupied more extensive areas (Fig. 2) and during last centuries the forest area decreased to l0-25% of the total surface (Fig. 3). On the treeless upland areas the intensive slope wash and gully erosion were most active, as well as locally mass movements, sufosion and deflation. At the bases of slopes and in the valley floors were deposited the correlative deposits of those processes (Fig. 4, 5, 6B). In the valleys with higher relief energy and limestone substratum the deposition of the calcareous tuffa and organic silts was replaced during the Roman period by the anthropogenic loams (Fig. 6 A). In the wide Vistula river valley the human impact is reflected in the modification of the climatically controll sequence of cuts and fills (Fig. 7) by the tendency to aggradation and coarserning of the overbank deposits and later to downcutting (Fig. 9) and parallel increase of parameters of channel geometry (Fig. 8). In the sandy areas the deforestation caused episodes of reactivation of dunes (Fig. 10). In last centuries the drainange of peatbogs is leading to their decrease in thickness and area (Fig. 11). Very substancial changes are connected with direct human impact by engineering works and exploitation of mineral resources.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia