Wyniki prac poszukiwawczych złóż siarki rodzimej w rejonie Alfredówka- Gwoździec


  • Andrzej Gąsiewicz


RESULTS OF SEARCH FOR NATIVE SULFUR DEPOSITS IN THE ALFREDÓWKA- GWOŹDZIEC Summary Microfacies and geophysical analyses indicate that the complex of carbonate deposits overlaying the Upper Werra Anhydrite sediments in the marginal part of Zechstein basin of the Peri-Baltic syneclise east of Bartoszyce represents both Main Dolomite and Platy Dolomite deposits. Main Dolomite deposits were deposited on carbonate ramp, slightly inclined toward the central part of the Peri-Baltic Gulf, and Platy Dolomite deposits were formed on microbial platform in peritidal environments. The development of both horizons in the eastern part of the Peri-Baltic syneclise shows many similarities to the well known deposits of Main Dolomite and Platy Dolomite of the Puck Bay region although the sequence of Platy Dolomite of the eastern part of the Peri-Baltic syneclise is regressive. Results of stratigraphical and facies study show that there was no barrier zone separating marginal lagoons from the open Peri-Baltic Gulf in the Main Dolomite as assumed before.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia