Zawartość strontu w mioceńskich skałach gipsowych w rejonie staszowskim


  • Alicja Kasprzyk


CONTENT OF STRONTIUM IN MIOCENE GYPSUM ROCKS OF THE STASZÓW AREA Summary Sulphate deposits of the Staszów region form a sequence of 16 lithotypes. The strontium content varies between 0.08% and 5.13%, averaging 0.67%. The greatest value was found in clayey and clayey-gypsum intercalations (2.35%), and increased strontium content was locally recorded within micrite gypsum, gypsum breccia and selenitic skeletal and sabre gypsum. High strontium content (5.89%) was found in bituminous clays which underlie sulphate deposits. In the section the strontium content increase parallel to increased carbonate and insoluble residue contents. The highest strontium concentration (6.33% in average) is related to limestones after gypsum. Strontium in gypsum and carbonate rocks occurs dispersed or forms its own mineral, celestine. Two generations of celestine were recognized: the older syngenetic with gypsum and the younger related to diagenetic and epigenetic processes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia