Utwory dyferencjacyjne w diabazach z podłoża monokliny śląsko-krakowskiej


  • Marek Muszyński
  • Lucyna Natkaniec-Nowak


DIFFERENTIATES IN THE DIABASES FROM THE BASEMENT OF THE SILESIA-CRACOW MONOCLINE Summary A specific feature of the diabases encountered in borehole WB-86 at Strzegowa near Wolbrom, the Silesia-Cracow Monocline, (Fig. l) is an occurrence of red colour veins and more coarse grained crystalic zones, contrasting with grey-greenish back-ground of these rocks. For a detailed recognition of mentioned forms and to explain their origin, they were subjected to microscopy, X-ray, infrared spectroscopy and chemical investigations. It is found, that the forms are genetically related with surrounded diabases, however, different from them by texture and structures well as by mineral and chemical composition (Tab. I and II). The presence of allcali feldspares (albite, orthoclase) and quartz is typical of them and causes their more acid and alkaline nature in comparison with surrounded diabases. In the chemical classification of igneous rocks (9) they reach the field of dacites (Fig. 2) in extreme cases. 1t is found, the similar types of differentiated forms ( differentiates), •as presented from the diabases of Strzegowa, occur sometimes in diabasic bodies of greater sizes and are considered as, more rich in silica and alkalies differentiates of the same magma, from which the basal mass of diabasic rocks originated (7, 10). In the extreme cases, the composition of these differentiates, characterized as an injection in not yet consolidated rockmass, correspond to the rocks of granite or trachite group.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia