Smokersy w świetle tektoniki płyt. Zarys problematyki


  • Zdzisław Migaszewski


SMOCKERS IN THE LIGHT OF PLATE TECTONICS. A SPECTRUM OF PROBLEMS Summary Hydrothermal vents jetting out water at 32 -410°C have been discovered from the diving saucers primarily along mid-ocean ridges within the rift valleys (mid-ocean spreading centers). The hottest -waters are blackened by sulfide precipitates (black smokers). These hydrothermal springs are the sites of actively forming massive ore-grade zinc, iron and copper sulfide deposits. Cooler springs are clear to milky (white smokers) and provide a major source of barite, amorphous silica, green mud, iron and manganese oxides and hydrooxides. The deposits form conical and tabular structures lying upon a basalt basement. The σ34SCDT values of sulfides range from -42 to +28‰ whereas of barites vary from +14 to +22‰. The further investigation of active and fossil hydrothermal chimneys may reveal much more mineralogical and chemical varieties. The results obtained thus far by the author indicate that the most promising are the rock-forming synsedimentary hydrothermal formations (embracing various forms of continental smokers) primarily derived from the Devonian, Upper Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous of the Holy Cross Mts (central part of Poland) (20, 21 and in print).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia