Geologia i ropo-gazonośność utworów starszego paleozoiku Pomorza i Bałtyku Południowego


  • Andrzej Witkowski


GEOLOGY AND OIL-GAS POTENTIAL OF LOWER PALAEOZOIK FORMATIONS ON POMERANIA AND SOUTHERN BALTIC SEA Summary The paper deals with geological structure of Vendian-Lower Paleozoic sedimentary formations and Precambrian basement in the Baltic Syneclise from the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone eastwards as far as the Soviet Republics. Litologico-stratigraphical and tectono-structural characteristics of the investigated area is given, and 21 tectonic units are distinguished (fig. 2). Paleogeodynamical evolution of Lower Paleozoic sedimentary basin at southern mobile slope of the Baltic Shield in the Cambro-Silurian is reconstructured. These reconstructions are presented in Vendo-Cambrian (fig. 3), Ordovician (fig. 4), and Silurian (fig. 5) paleostructural maps. Paleostructural analises and results of R0 investigations enabled the author to establish paleogeotermical conditions which determinated generation, migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in Caledonian and partly Variscian Oil Cycles. Geochemical characteristics of potential Lower Paleozoic source rocks, as well as quantitative and qualitative data of reservoir horizons are given. The Author emphasise significance of Middle Cambrian detritical sediments as potential lithological, or - when folded - structural traps for oil and gas deposits. In Polish part of the Baltic Syneclise, the most prospective area for oil and gas search is located west from Pasłęk.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia