Rola warunków hydrodynamicznych w kształtowaniu reżimu Wywierzyska Olczyskiego


  • Danuta Małecka
  • Włodzimierz Humnicki


ROLE OF HYDRODYNAMICAL CONDITIONS IN SHAPING THE OLCZYSKA VAUCLUSIAN SPRING REGIME Summary The present study investigates the influence of a geological structure and climatic conditions on a hydrogeological regime of the vaculusian spring. The long and short-term observations were conducted during eight years. The concentrated on capacity of the spring and on a flow volume in a longitudinal profile of the Olczyski Creek. They enable us to conclude that the most important feeding source is represented by karst waters from the drainage area of Sucha Woda. As a consequence, the total flow in the Olczyski Creek exceeds precipitation on the surface drainage area. A response of the vauclusian spring to a precipitation is rapid, which causes considerable variability of maximum capacities: from 5.5 to more than 7 thousand litres per second. The minimum values vary between 1311/s in 1986 and 2431/s in 1981, the year preceded by anomalously high precipitation in 1980. In winter, when the creek is fed by subsurface waters, the differences between the spring capacity on one hand and volume of water flowing out of the Tatra area on the other, are negligible. Chemistry of waters is also comparable. These are ultra-fresh bicarbonatic-calcian-magnesian waters displaying stable temperature in a case of the vauclusian spring.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia