Właściwości geotechniczne wybranych gruntów Polski
GEOTECHNICAL PROPERTIES OF SELECTED POLISH SOILS Summary The Department of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Faculty of Geology, Warsaw University, has been active in continuous research works on soils of Poland. The most of activity is oriented on consulting and expert's reports. For years many detail expertises and general reports on soil conditions were done, resulting in methodical solutions of engineering problems of siting of hydro, mine and industrial objects in difficult or unsual conditions. The proceedings of the Conference on "Soil Mechanics in Engineering Applications" [7] contain a complete list of research and industrial works executed by the Department till 1984, and authors analyses of a validity and applicability of various research methods in determining soil properties. In the present paper a synthesis has been made of the topic selected from the wide spectrum of problems resolved. Monographs of soil properties of the three major kinds of soils were prepared, viz: l - Miocene soils of the Carpathian foredeep, 2 - Boulder clays of the Southern and Middle Poland glaciations, 3 - weatherings, and 4 - Anthropogenic soils/dump materials, selected for ecological or industrial recycling.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia