Utwory deltowe przedgórza Karpat


  • Piotr Karnkowski


DELTAIC DEPOSITS OF THE CARPATHIANS FORELAND Summary In the Carpathian Foredeep the Miocene molasse was formed in front of emerging Flysch Carpathians. Concerning the Lower Miocene deposits the phenomenon is found undoubtedly however in the Upper Miocene, particularly Lower Sarmatian the sediment was transported mainly the metacarpathian ridge because the Holy Cross Mts. emerged as a horst in the same time. Thus both Flysch Carpathians and metacarpathian ridge were the source of terrigenous material transported to the sea basin, especially during the Lower Sarmatian. During the Lower Badenian some deposits were formed in the Carpathian flysch as well. The Lower Sarmatian deposits contain more sands and sandstones in the northern part of the Foredeep. In the Lower Sarmatian and Badenian deposits it is possible to follow channels and buried watercourses orientated NW-SE which distributed clastic material. The sediment was also transported by rivers flowing from the north to the south. Seismic survey and drillings allow to discover and follow the pattern of Miocene rivers found as channels, buried valleys and submarine canyons filled with sandy deposits.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia