Zespół skamieniałości z karbońskich sferosyderytów (westfal A) NE części Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Wojciech Krawczyński
  • Paweł Filipiak
  • Michał Gwoździewicz


FOSSILS ASSEMBLAGE FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS SIDERITIC NODULES(WESTFALIAN A) OF THE NE MARGIN OF THE UPPER SILESIA COAL BASIN, SOUTHERN POLAND Summary An assemblage of well preserved fossil invertebrates and plants has been found recently in sideritic nodules at the NE part of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin, on a dump of a coal mine in Sosnowiec. The assemblage consists of xiphosurids (Bellinuruslunatus and Euproopsrotundatus), insects (palaeodictyopteran nymph Rochdaliaparkeriand a wing ofProtorthoptera),fragmentary eurypterid carapaces, lycopod cones (Lepidostrobus sp.), and imprints of Lepidodendron and Calamites trunks. The arthropods and terrestial insects are of special value because they are extremely rare in this region. The assemblage originated in poorly oxygenated brackish waters. Similar stands are known from other European and North American coal basins.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia