Wstępny izotopowy bilans mas siarki w skałach maficznych zespołu ofiolitowego Ślęży: ślady metamorfizmu dna oceanicznego


  • Mariusz O. Jędrysek
  • Anita Weber-Weller


PRELIMINARY SULPHUR ISOTOPE MASS BALANCE IN MAFIC ROCKS OF ŚLĘŻA OPHIOLITE COMPLEX: EVIDENCES FOR OCEAN FLOOR METAMORPHISM (SW POLAND) Summary Sulphur isotope ratios analysis has been carried out in mafic members (gabbros and amphibolites) of ŚlężaVariscanOphiolite Complex, SW Poland. The value in sulphides(dominantly pyrite, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite) and whole rock sulphur varies from -1.13 to 7.22%0. The total sulphurcontent in the whole rock ranges from less than 0.2 to over 1.5%. The temperature calculated changes from 112 to 450°C. It has been shown that at least 4 to 23 % of sulphur in the whole system was of oceanic origin but a significant H2S (not S02) outgasing was also possible during crystallisation of the gabbro and sheeted dike basalts.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia