Nowe dane o wgłębnej budowie ukraińskich Karpat - geologiczna reinterpretacja regionalnych profili sejsmicznych


  • Stepan-Orest Lizoon
  • Christina Zayats


NEW DATA ON DEEP STRUCTURE OF THE UKRAINIAN CARPATHIANS: GEOLOGICAL REINTERPRETATION OF REGIONAL SEISMIC PROFILES Summary Complex interpretation of seismic and gravimetric data along three regional seismic profiles (Fig.1) gives a new picture ofthe deep structure of the Ukrainian Carpathians and the adjoining areas. In the autochthonous complex, the occurrence of deep fractures and the occurrence as well as the hipsometry and thickness of the Riphean-Mesozoic complex below the overthrust Carpathian nappes have been confirmed (Fig. 2). The implications are very important for the estimates of oil and gas prospective areas in the region.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia