Nowoczesne metody interpretacji strukturalno - facjalnej danych sejsmiki 3D na przykładzie złoża Stężyca


  • Barbara Kuc


MODERN TECTONIC AND FACIES INTERPRETATION TECHNIQUES OF 3D SEISMIC DATA - STĘŻYCA EXAMPLE (EASTERN POLAND) Summary Interpretation of seismic attribute maps introduced in 1989 is a relatively new tool for a geological analysis of seismic data. Relative number of application of seismic attribute maps has since then significantly raised. This growth is driven by favourable and confirmed advantages of this technology which enabled to reveal significantly greater detail of studied rocks than can be accurately image d by an interpreter using the vertical seismic sections alone. This paper illustrates some aspects of the applications of seismic attribute maps in structural and facies interpretation and shows how these maps may help in the characterization of fault zones and provide basis for establishing the structural evolution of Stężyca field (eastern Poland).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia