Ocena przekroju, mapy i blokdiagramu jako modeli rzeczywistości geologicznej


  • Witold Cezariusz Kowalski


ESTIMATION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SECTION, MAP AND BLOCK DIAGRAM AS THE PATTERNS OF THE GEOLOGICAL REALITY Summary Geological sections, maps and block diagrams are evaluated variously. Their coincidence with the geological reality is the most important criterion. The problem is, that the geological reality is not known a priori. Therefore a recognition of the simultaneously unknown geological reality is possible only by the path of successive approximations and by mathematical induction. Possibilities for constructions of geological sections, maps and block diagrams are conditioned by heterogeneity in the geological reality and by movements and transformations in this reality. Recorded heterogeneities and movements and transformations in the geological reality depend on the scale of their geological recognition and the needed minuteness of detail and accuracy (Fig. 1, 2) in points of observations and measurements and in geological profiles (Fig. 3). These points and profiles with their surroundings, i.e. with parts of the geological space, in which properties in every point or profile are identical, are named documentary points. If surroundings of the documentary points had covered partly or adjoined each other, a construction of one ideal geological model of a site (and of geological conditions in it) would have been possible. But such the situations in the geological space are practically not possible. So, surroundings of the documentary points are in the distance, the different geological models, that were constructed on the same data base from the same documentary points, could by very likely with the same conventional probability of a coincidence with the geological reality.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia