Tekst objaśniający do arkuszy Mapy hydrogeologicznej Polski w skali 1:50 000


  • Zbigniew Nowicki
  • Andrzej Sadurski


EXPLANATORY NOTES FOR HYDROGEOLOGICAL MAP OF POLAND, 1 : 50,000 Summary Explanatory notes for the Hydrogeological map of Poland, 1 : 50 000 will be essential part in the range of informations given and in case of distribution HMP in GIS or cartographic version. There are no plans to publish this map in traditional, printic version because of high costs. Apart from general information devoted to the area under study the explanation paper will contain geological and hydrogeological description, simplificated data base and its preliminary results of statistic calculation. Also the information levels will be given, for examples: hydraulic conductivity of main aquifer, its vulnerability or groundwater outflow from the drainage basins.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia