Szczątki roślin towarzyszące ichtiofaunie w oligoceńskich wapieniach jasielskich w Sobniowie koło Jasła


  • Ewa Zastawniak
  • Grzegorz Worobiec


PLANT REMAINS ACCOMPANYING ICHTYOFAUNA IN THE OLIGOCENE JASŁO LIMESTONES AT SOBNIÓW NEAR JASŁO (SOUTHERN POLAND) Summary Megafossils found in the Jasło limestones at Sobnióware described. The abundantichtyofauna from this locality is well known (Jerzmańska, 1960). Most of the specimens consist ofimprints ofthe vegetative parts of algal bodiesAlgitesspp. The Phanerophyta are represented by leaves (or leaflets) of dicotyledons: ?Palaeocarya sp., Laurophyllum prince ps (Heer) Krausel et Weyland, the Theaceaefamily, and one leaf (leaflet?) ofLeguminosae type sensu Berger. AIso some leaves of monocotyledons are present. The specimens of leaves at Sobniów are the first set of fossil remains of Phanerophytadecsribed from the Oligocene of Poland.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia