Zapis izotopowy zmian środowiskowych podczas depozycji gipsów badeńskich w Kobericach koło Opavy


  • Tadeusz Peryt
  • Stanisław Hałas
  • Stanislav Karoli
  • Danuta Peryt


ISOTOPIC RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES DURING DEPOSITION OF BADENIAN (MIDDLE MIOCENE) GYPSUM AT KOBERICE NEAR OPAVA (CZECH REPUBLIC) Summary The Badenian gypsum in Koberice (Fig. 1-3) section which is characterized in a separate paper (Peryt et al.,1997) shows a considerable variation of δ18 O (10.39-13.91‰) and δ 34 S (18.04-23.90‰), and especially in the lower part of the profile. The variation and the lack of directional changes in the profile (Fig. 2) are related to the open character of the basin (cf. Peryt et al., 1997). The lower part of the section which is mostly composed of crystalline gypsum is characterized by slightly lower δ34S and slightly higher δ18 O values when compared to the upper part of gypsum section which is mostly built of laminated gypsum and gypsiferous claystones with gypsum breccia intercalations (cf. Fig. 4).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia