Litologiczne uwarunkowania rozwoju procesów krasowych w badeńskich gipsach na Przedkarpaciu


  • Igor I. Turchinov


LITHOLOGICAL CONTROLS ON DEVELOPMENT OF KARST PROCESSES IN THE BADENIAN GYPSUM OF THE CARPATHIAN FOREDEEP (SOUTHERN POLAND AND WEST UKRAINE) Summary Karst phenomena abound in the Badenian gypsum of the Carpathian Foredeep area. An important factor in development of karst processes in the region is lithological-facies characteristics of deposits which underwent karstification. The Badenian gypsum shows a considerable lateral and vertical lithological-facies variability being result of conditions of sedimentation and diagenesis (Fig. 2). Systems of joints were formed in the gypsum and they controlled the development of karst forms (Fig. 3). Boundaries between deposits showing different lithological-facies characteristics, control spacial distribution of subsurface karst voids and structural-textural features of the gypsum control the morphology of these voids (Fig. 4). Lithological-facies characteristics influence also distribution and morphology of surficial karst forms and the features of sinkhole origin (Fig. 5). An important role in controlling karst processes is played by dome-shaped structures in gypsum.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia