Przykłady cykliczności sedymentacji w utworach miocenu Roztocza


  • Piotr Roniewicz
  • Anna Wysocka


EXAMPLES OF MIOCENE CYCLIC SEDIMENTATION - ROZTOCZE, EASTERN POLAND Summary In the Upper Badenian and (?) Sarmatian biocalcarenites some examples of cyclic sedimentations were recognized. It is expressed by alternations of sequences of quasi massive and thin bedded biocalcarenites. This cyclicity is belived to be due to the periodical change of the hydrodynamic regime caused by wave action and currents. Another sign of cyclicity in studied sections is rhythmica appearance of the detrital quartz in each some biocalcarenite beds. It is caused by the structural reorganization of the Carpathian Foredeep basin.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia