Regionalne interpretacje geologiczne na podstawie badań pstrego piaskowca z wypełnień krasowych w okolicach Chęcin (Góry Świętokrzyskie)
BUNTSANDSTEIN IN THE KARST INFILLINGS AT CHĘCINY (HOLY CROSS MTS, CENTRAL POLAND) AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE FOR REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS Summary Clays and sandstones of Buntsandstein filling karst forms and tectonic fissures in the Paleozoic rocks at Chęciny (Holy Cross Mts, Central Poland) have been studied. The formation of discussed karst forms and clastic dykes occurred after the formation of calcite veins of "różanka" type, as evidenced by their relationships stated in the field and the petrologic analysis. The original Variscan dips of the Devonian strata to the north (about 36°) were recognised after palaeomagnetic analysis of the position of sandstone layer of Buntsandstein from the karst sink in the Rzepka quarry in the southern limb of the Chęciny anticline.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia