Układ geometryczny i ocena właściwości serii zbiornikowej złoża Barnówko-Mostno-Buszewo (BMB) - największego złoża ropy naftowej w Polsce - na podstawie zdjęcia sejsmicznego 3D


  • Maciej Górski
  • Małgorzata Trela


BARNÓWKO-MOSTNO-BUSZEWO (BMB) - THE GREATEST OIL FIELD IN POLAND: GEOMETRY AND RESERVOIR DESCRIPTION BASED ON 3D SEISMIC SURVEY Summary The greatest oil field in Poland was discovered on the western part of the Zechstein Main Dolomite barrier zone. Proven geological reserves were estimated as 64.4.106 T (498.2 million barrels) of crude oil & condensat and 29.4.10 9 m3 (1038.3.109 cubic feet) of natural gas. Estimated exploitable reserves are 10.1.106 T (76.6 million barrels) and 9.9.10 9 m3 (349.6.109 cubic feet). The objects of analysis were trap geometrical aspects (structural and thickness maps). Seismic amplitude examination were carried out in comparison with well data in order to analyse reservoir characteristics. Based on 3D seismic survey data, the paleotopographic reconstructions were undertaken for Zechstein deposits. Inverted seismic data and porosity values from well logs were used to generate pseudoporosity reservoir map.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia