Osady interglacjalne w Pozezdrzu koło Giżycka


  • Krzysztof Krupiński


INTERGLACIAL DEPOSITS IN POZEZDRZE NEAR GIŻYCKO (MAZURY LAKE DISTRICT, NE POLAND) Summary Results ofpollen analysis of8 samples from a very thick (about 3S m) series ofsilts and sands with organic matter, ascribed their age to the Mazovian Interglacial. The underlying thick till, with fine-grained sands and the Oligocene sands underneath, is to be therefore connected with the South Polish Glaciations. On the other hand, the overlying till corresponds to the Middle Polish Glaciations. Gravels, vari-grained sands and lag concentrated in the top were deposited during the Wisła Glaciation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia