Zawartość metali ciężkich w wybranych elementach ekosystemu jeziora Dąbie (NW Polska)


  • Stanisław Piotrowski


CONTENT OF HEAVY METAL S IN SELECTED ELEMENTS OF THE DĄBIE LAKE ECOSYSTEM (NW POLAND) Summary This paper constitutes an attempt to estimate the resources of selected heavy metals: Co, Zn, Cd, Hg, Pb, Co accumulated in the mollusc shells (biocenosis and thanatocenosis), in water and in a superficial 15 centimetrethick layer of the DąbieLake sediments. Altogether in the selected elements of the DąbieLake ecosystem the total resources of Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, Pb and Co have been estimated at 4 596,496 tons. The major mass of these metals is accumulated in a superficial layer of the sediments. In many studies, especially those related to the environment monitoring, the sediment investigations were often neglected or treated as a subject of minor importance. The basic analyses dealt first and foremost with the chemical mechanism of the water. The fact that in water ecosystems the major mass of these elements is concentrated in the sediments, if proved using the example of selected heavy metals, should induce the persons dealing with water region monitoring to carry out more comprehensive investigations covering various elements of a given ecosystem.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia