Szczegółowa mapa geologiczna Polski w skali 1 : 50 000: teraźniejszość i przyszłość


  • Andrzej Ber


THE 1 : 50,000 DETAILED GEOLOGICAL MAP OF POLAND: THE PRESENT AND THE FUTURE Summary The compilation and edition ofthe Detailed GeologicalMap of Poland in the scale l : 50,000 is one among themajor tasks and priorities of the Polish Geological Institute.The map is elaborated on the base of geological mapping, especially drilled boreholes tosubquaternary basement as well as geological surveys and laboratory studies. The whole edition comprises 1025 sheets. The particular sheets of the Detailed Geological Map of Poland in the scale 1 : 50,000 are published from 1954. Up to the present, 550 sheets of the map have been completed, what is 53,66% of the whole edition. Of these, 341 sheets have been printed and 352 others are currently at various stages of compilation. The works became significantly intensified in the last years and this means, that the whole edition have a chance to be completed in the 2005.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia