Niektóre pierwiastki śladowe w glebach rejonu Wrocławia przed powodzią i po powodzi w 1997 r.


  • Hanna Tomassi-Morawiec


Chemical composition of soils within Wrocław agglomeration, affected by the flood of July 1997 is presented. 280 sampIes (0.0- 0.2 m horizon) were collected in the 1997 autumn season. They were taken from the same places which had been sampled in 1995 -for preparation of the Geochemical Atlas of Wrocław and environs. Acidity of soils and the content of" Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, P, Ph, S, Sr, Ti, V, Zn were measured in al! the samples. A CV-AAS method was employed to measure a mercury content. The other elements were determined using the ICP-AES method. Geochemical maps of two periods (1995 and 1997) were plotted and compared with each other (Fig. 1-3). Geochemical maps showing As, Hg and Pb distribution in soils before and after the flood (maps A and B) are, in general, very similar. Shapes of anomalies didn 't change in the flood area. The mercury concentrations decreased after the flood in the soils of Odra valley upstream of Wrocław.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia