Anomalie geochemiczne w rejonie górnictwa i hutnictwa miedzi (LGOM)


  • Józef Lis
  • Anna Pasieczna
  • Hanna Tomassi-Morawiec


A geochemical soil survey was conducted in the Legnica Province in 1996. The survey was arranged in a 1 x 1 km grid pattern while the jield work in regions oj particular interest (with copper smelting industry and copper mining) jolIowed the more detailed grid pattern oj 500 x 500 m. SampIes were leached with aqua regia; then, using the ICP-AES method, determinations were made oj concentrations oj Ag, Al, AS,Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sc, Sr, V and Zn. As to Hg, its concentration was measured using the CV-AAS method. Element determinations were made on 5,677 sampIes and totalIed 139,175. The geochemical survey oj soils in the Legnica Province area reveals that elements such as aluminium (Fig. 1), cobalt, cadmium, magnesium, nickel, scandium, strontium, titanium and vanadium are connected,jirst oj alI, with the structure oj geological substratum. The southern part oj Legnica Province lies in the Sudety (Mts) and their joreland. A considerable share in the geological structure oj the eastern part ojthe survey area is played by metamorphic rocks belonging to the old-Palaeozoic structure ojthe Kaczawskie Mts. In the western part dominant are terrigenous sediments oj the Permian, Triassic and Cretaceous oj the North Sudetic Depression. Apart jrom material oj Scandinavian origin, a great share in gladal sediments within the joreland area is played by material com ing from the Sudety (Mts). Geochemical background ojthe substratum with such serious differentiation in the study area is visibly reflected by the distribution oj elements mentioned above. A group oj elements with arsenie, iron, phosphorus, lead, sulphur, vanadium and yttrium is subject to the increase in concentrations due to processes oj migration. Such the effect is taking place in organic soils (peaty soils, peats) and leads to the origin oj distinct geochemical anomalies, sometimes very intensive. Their origin is natural; however, it does not result jrom the presence in the substratum oj ore mineralization or rocks enriched in elements mentioned. Min ing, ore tretament and smelting oj copper ore are the main sources oj anthropogenic polIution. Other local sources oj soil polIution are towns with assodated industry, transport system, and local emissions oj dust and gases jrom burning oj coal by jamily households and local heating plants. Geochemical anomalies that are connected with the copper industry occupy vast areas with elevated copper (Fig. 2) and lead concentrations in the environs oj the Głogów and Legnica copper smelters. Increase contents oj other elements such as silver, arsenie, zinc, cobalt and nickeI occur within copper-Iead anomalies; however, their areas oj occurrence are conjined to the limits oj the industrial plants only



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia