Spory o podział geologiczny Sudetów


  • Zbigniew Cymerman


CONTROVERSIES ABOUT A GEOLOGICAL DIVISION OF THE SUDETES Summary The Sudetes (sensu lato) have classically been divided into Lugicum (Western Sudetes) and Silesicum or Moravo-Silesicum (Eastern Sudetes) by the so-called Ramzova thrust (northern continuity of the Moldanubian thrust). From the time of Suess (1912) geologists have been regarded the Ramzova thrust as forming E-verging nappe structure. However, an eastward thrusting model for the Ramzova thrust is not supported by the recent structural and kinematic data that indicate a normal ductile faulting with a top-to-the-WSW. The Sudetes, be lieved by some workers to have Saxothuringian affinities, comprise several tectonic units which have recently been divided into a mosaic of suspect terranes. Recent data (e. g. kinematic, geochemical, isotopic) put a new light on the geotectonic evolution of the whole Sudetes. The dominant displacement of ductile thrusting and wrenching with a general top-to-the-NNE sense of displacements was connected with the dextral transpressional regime both in the eastern part ojLugicum (e.g. the Orlica-Śnieżnik dome and the Strzelin metamorphic complex) and in Moravo-Silesicum (e.g. the Keprnik and Desna dome). In conclusion, from existing open questions on the tectonic evolution of the Sudetes, I suggest not dividing the Sudetes into classical Lugicum and Moravo-Silesicum, and rather I propose a division of the Sudetes into geographical regions: the Western, Central and Eastern Sudetes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia