Zasięg lądolodu zlodowacenia warty na obszarze między Grójcem a Szydłowcem w świetle datowań termoluminescencyjnych gliny zwałowej


  • Bolesław J. Kowalski
  • Bartłomiej Jaśkowski


EXTENT OF WARTA GLACIER IN THE GRÓJEC-SZYDŁOWIEC AREA IN THE LIGHT OF THE GLACIAL TILLS TL EXAMINATION (CENTRAL POLAND) Summary The study contains results of chronostratigraphic thermoluminescent (TL) examination of some 13 till samples and 2 intertill silt samples from Central Poland. Age determination of these deposits was performed along the profile of 75 km between Grójec (Rawa High Plain, a part of Masovia Lowland) and Szydłowiec (Gielniów High, Małopolska Upland). The profile cuts across the end and recessional moraines of Warta and Odra glaciers (Fig. 1-3). According to the findings the Warta glacier could have greater extent even by 50-60 km in comparison to earlier accepted views (Fig. 3). In the area of Gielniów High this glaciar could probably surpass the bounds of the Odra glacial stage. If so, the surface till dated at 122.1±18.3 -167.9± 25.2 ka BP, should be interpreted as the sediment of Warta glacier (Fig. 4), and the lower till as the sediment of Odra glacier. The intertill silt dated at 192.3±23.8 and 224.5±33.7 ka BP appears thus to be of the close of Lublinian interglacial.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia