Nowe dane termometryczne i mikrochemiczne o wschodniej osłonie metamorficznej granitu karkonoskiego (Krzyżowa Łąka k. Mniszkowa)
NEW THERMOMETRIC AND MICROCHEMICAL DATA ON THE EASTERN METAMORPHIC COVER OF THE KARKONOSZE GRANITE (KRZYŻOWA ŁĄKA NEAR MNISZKÓW, SW POLAND) Summary This paper presents new data on mineralization found at KrzyżowaŁąka near Mniszków. Microstudies indicated the occurrence of cassiterite, greenockite and argentite in parageneses with sphalerite and arsenopiryte. The volumetric point analyses of these minerals pointed up to their participation in the observed parageneses. The results of thermometric analyses of fluid inclusions within quartz grains revealed (see the histogram) a multiphase evolution of mineralization processes within the temperature range of 125–400oC. The most distinctly marked is a population of the highest temperature (interval 275–400oC) including 70%of all measurements.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia