Skład mineralny oraz właściwości fizykomechaniczne kawałkowych odmian rud darniowych stosowanych w historycznym budownictwie na ziemiach polskich
MINERAL COMPOSITION AND PHYSICO-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE LUMP BOG IRON ORES USED IN HISTORICAL BUILDINGS IN POLAND Summary In the history of mankind, bog iron ores have been treated as a mineral raw material for manufacturing of metallic iron. Less known is utilization of lump varieties of these ores as building materials. The authors present the results of investigations on mineral and chemical compositions as well as physical and mechanical properties of lump bog iron ores. They were collected from the regions of Poland where such rocks were rather commonly used for building purposes, i.e from the Barycz River valley (Szklarka Przygodzicka) and the Ziemia Lubuska region (Studzieniec). The results obtained indicate the physical properties and mechanical parameters of the lump ores in question to be diversified in relation to their phase composition. They also prove that these ores were an inferior building material and their application resulted mainly from wide availability of these building rocks.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia