Relacje tektoniczne między synkliną międzygórską a synklinorium kielecko-łagowskim i jednostką łysogórską (Góry Świętokrzyskie)


  • Ewa Stupnicka
  • Rafał Ziółkowski


TECTONIC RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE MIĘDZYGÓRZ SYNCLINE AND THE KIELCE–ŁAGÓW SYNCLINORIUM OR THE ŁYSOGÓRY UNIT (HOLY CROSS MTS, CENTRAL POLAND) Summary The results of geologic studies and microgravimetric measurements performed between Opatów and Sandomierz (eastern part of the Holy Cross Mts) indicate that the Paleozoic rock complexes form two different tectonic units, i.e. the Ordovician-Silurian Międzygórz syncline and the Devonian Karwów monocline. Only the Karwów monocline makes up eastern termination of the Kielce-ŁagówSynclinorium. The Międzygórz syncline, located west of the Pęcławice-Gozdawa fault, plunges under the Devonian rock complex of this Synclinorium. The microgravimetric curve derived from the Kielce-ŁagówSynclinorium/the Łysogóry Tectonic Unit boundary does not confirm the presence of steep fault within the Holy Cross Fault. The gradual and gentle lowering of this curve at the Devonian limestones/Cambrian shales boundary backs up the thesis on the sloping Łysogóry Unit overthrust from north to south. Late Tertiary faults cutting Paleozoic rocks formed within older usually Caledonian or Variscan faults.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia