Ochrona dziedzictwa geologicznego Polski w koncepcji europejskiej sieci geostanowisk


  • Zofia Alexandrowicz


PROTECTION OF THE POLISH GEOLOGICAL HERITAGE WITHIN THE EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF GEOSITES Summary The European framework of most valuable and representative geosites initiated by IUGS is created to participate inRegional Working Groups of ProGEO — European Association for the Conservation of the Geological Heritage, as the GLOBALGEOSITES project. The draft European list of key geosites published in 1998 has been verified and supplemented by particular countries. The Polish list now comprises 149 (doubling the amount in the draft list) selected geosites of various types. Most of them are related to stratigraphy and geomorphology, while palaeobiological and plaeoenvironmental sites are noteworthy. About 55% the total number of proposed sites are already legally protected and a haft of the remaining ones have been just documented and prepared to conservation. Geosite lists of Polish particular regions are open for the discussion and corrections. In the next few years the database of the Polish candidate geosites will be ready to comparative assessments with other European regional lists and the second stage of selection. In the national geoconservation strategy this database should be the first foundation of the Polish Red Book of Geosites.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia