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Baucon, Andrea, Geopark Naturtejo Meseta Meridional, Geology and Paleontology Office, Centro Cultural Raiano. Av. Joaquim Morão 6060-101 Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra – Via Mangiagalli, 34 20133 Milano, Italy.
Baucon, Andrea, Geology and Palaeontology Office of Centro Cultural Raiano, Geopark Naturtejo Meseta Meridional – UNESCO European and Global Geopark. Avenida Joaquim Morão, 6060-101, Idanha-a-Nova (Portugal)
Bauer, Sebastian, Centre of Applied Geosciences, University of Tuebingen, Sigwartstr.10, D-72076 Tübingen
Bavandpur, Alireza Karimi, Geological Survey of Iran, Meraj Blvd., Azadi Sq., P.O. Box 13185-1494, Teheran
Bavandpurs, Alireza Karimi, Geological Survey of Iran, Meraj Blvd., Azadi Sq., Teheran
Baysinger, Dave, Volunteer at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science Department of Paleontology Denver, CO
Bałuk, Wacław, Institute of Geology, Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, 02-089 Warszawa
Bałuk, Wacław, Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, Żwirki i Wigury 93; PL-02-089 Warszawa
Bałuk, Wacław
Bałuk, Wacław, Institute of Geology, University of Warsaw, Al. ˚wirki i Wigury 93; Pl-02-089 Warszawa (Poland)
Bałuk, Wacław, Institute of Geology, University of Warsaw, Al. Żwirki i Wigury 93; Pl-02-089 Warszawa
Bechtel, Achim, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria, Department of Applied Geosciences and Geophysics, Peter-Tunner-Str. 5, A-8700 Leoben
Becker, R. Thomas, Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Invalidenstr. 43, D-10115 Berlin
Becker, R. Thomas, R. Thomas Becker, Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, D-48149 Münster, Corrensstr. 25
Bedell, Malcolm, Western Interior Paleontological Society, Denver, CO
Bednarczyk, Wiesław
Bednarczyk, Wiesław S., Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geological Sciences, Twarda 51/55, PL-00-818Warszawa
Bednarczyk, Wiesław S., Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Nauk Geologicznych, ul. Twarda 51/55, PL-00-8i8 Warszawa
Bek, Jiri, Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Palaeocology, Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences v.v.i., Rozvojová 269, 165 00 Prague 6
Belka, Zdzisław, Geologisches lnstitut, Universitat Tübingen, Sigwartstr. 10, D-72076 Tübingen
Belkin, Harvey E., 11142 Forest Edge Drive, Reston, VA 20190
Beniamovski, Vladimir N., Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevski 7, Moscow, 119017
Ber, Andrzej
Berendsen, Pieter
Bergström, Jan

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