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Coric, Stjepan, Geological Survey of Austria, Neulinggasse 38, 1030 Vienna
Coric, Stjepan, Geological Survey, Neulinggasse 38, 1030, Vienna
Corso, Sonia, I. A. M. C. – C. N. R. (Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), Sezione I. R. M. A. (Istituto di ricerche sulle Risorse Marine e l’Ambiente), via Luigi Vaccara, 61, I-91026 Mazara del Vallo (TP)
Crampton, James S., Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, p.o. Box 30-368, Lower Hutt
Crowley, Quentin, Department of Geology, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2
Cuny, Gilles, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 5-7, 1350 Copenhagen K
Cuong, Nguyen Quoc, Institute of Geological Sciences, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 84 Chua Lang Str., Dong Da Distr., Hanoi


Ćwikliński, Wojciech, Hebo Poznań Sp. z o.o., Podolska 27a, PL-60-615 Poznań


Cyglicki, Michał, Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warszawa
Cyglicki, Michał, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa
Cyrek, Krzysztof, Institute of Archaeology and Etnology of Nicolaus Copernicus University, Podmurna 9/11, PL-87-100 Toruń
Cyziene, Jolanta, Lithuanian Geological Survey, S.Konarskio 35, LT-03123 Vilnius
Czaja, Maria, Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Silesia, Będzińska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec
Czarniecka, Urszula, Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, Żwirki i Wigury 93, PL-02-089, Warsaw
Czarniecka, Urszula, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Sem Sælands vei 1, 0371 Oslo (Norway)
Czarniecka, Urszula, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047 Blindern, 0316 Oslo
Czarniecki, Stanisław
Czarnik, Jan
Czarnocki, Jan
Czech, Stanislav, Czech Geological Survey, Klarov 3, 11821
Czeczottowa, Hanna
Czernielewski, Michał, Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa
Czyżewska, Teresa


da Silva-Filho, Wellington F, Department of Geology, Federal University of Ceará
Dąbrowska, Magdalena, Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, Al. Żwirki i Wigury 93, PL-02-089 Warsaw, Poland. present address: EFENDI – Internet Domains, Białowieska 1/44, PL-04-063 Warsaw

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