Tektonika strefy osiowej synklinorium podhalańskiego w rejonie Bukowiny Tatrzańskiej


  • Jerzy Pepol


TECTONICS OF THE AXIAL ZONE OF THE PODHALE SYNCLINORlUM SUMMARYThe research carried out in the southeastern part of the Podhale-flysch synclinorium in the Central Carpathians (Fig. 4) suggest uniform joint directions both in the axial zone and near axial parts of the limbs (Fig. 1). In the whole near-axial area joint is uniform regardless of the tectonic and stratigraphic position of the beds (cf. Figs 1–3), thus being of pre-tectonic origin. Tectonic analysis has shown that the axis of the Podhale synclinorium merges eastward (diagram IV in Fig. 4), whereas in the western part of Podhale it is tilted westward (Gołąb 1959). Thus a large transversal elevation of Bialy Dunajec exists in the discussed area, i.e. between the Biały Dunajec stream and Białka river (Fig. 5). Its origin is probably due to the post-Eocene movements of the flysch substrate; it lies directly to the north of the transversal Koszysta elevation of the Tatra Mts what suggests an interrelation of both those structures.



