Shallow-water gastropods from Late Oxfordian sands in Kłęby (Pomerania, Poland)


  • Joachim Gründel Institut für Geowissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin, Malteserstraße 74-100, D-12249 Berlin
  • Andrzej Kaim Instytut Paleobiologii, Polska Akademia Nauk, ul. Twarda 51/55, PL-00-818 Warszawa Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Tokyo 113-8654


Gastropods, Taxonomy, Ecology, Jurassic, Oxfordian, Poland, Kłęby


The Upper Oxfordian shell-bearing ferruginous sands from Kłęby in Pomerania (northwestern Poland) provide a rich and relatively well-preserved shallow-water gastropod fauna that has been known in the literature since the monograph by SCHMIDT (1905). A review of SCHMIDT’s collection and newly collected material confirms the distinctiveness of the assemblage from contemporaneous faunas in neighbouring areas. We identified 27 species belonging to 21 genera, with two species not attributed to generic level. Seven species introduced by SCHMIDT (1905) are re-described in detail, with the types being illustrated. They are: Gerasimovcyclus lorioli (Eucyclidae), Proconulus coelotropis, P. viadrinus (Proconulidae), Pseudomelania laeviuscula (Pseudomelaniidae), Katosira anaroides (Zygopleuridae), Gordenella pommerana (Gordenellidae), and Sulcoactaeon viadrinus (Bullinidae). We also described three new species: Ataphrus marschmidti (Ataphridae), Shurovites dmochae (Cryptaulacidae), and Ceritellopsis huckriedei (Cylindrobullinidae). The gastropod fauna from Kłęby is dominated by shallow-water species of cerithioids (Exelissa distans, Rhynchocerithium limaeforme and Shurovites dmochae), the rissoid Rissoa valfini, the eucyclid Eucycloscala cf. augur, and the ataphrid Falsataphrus kljasmiensis.





