Correlation of the zonal schemes at the Middle – Upper Oxfordian boundary (Jurassic) in the Submediterranean Province: Poland and Switzerland


  • Ewa Głowniak Institute of Geology, University of Warsaw, Al. Żwirki i Wigury 93, PL- 02-089 Warsaw


Correlation, Oxfordian, Perisphinctidae, Submediterranean Province, Switzerland, Poland


Definition of the Oxfordian Elisabethae Subzone of the upper Transversarium Zone, and the Wartae Subzone, is provided. The Wartae Subzone has been absorbed into the overlying Bifurcatus Zone as a basal Subzone. The redefined base of the Bifurcatus Zone lies somewhat below the lower boundary of the Bifurcatus Zone of CARIOU & al. (1997). The boundary between the redefined Transversarium and Bifurcatus zones is now the boundary between the Submediterranean Middle and Upper Oxfordian. Correlation between the zonal schemes of Poland and Western Europe is established by means of the intermediate area of northern Switzerland, where the indexes of the zonal schemes co-occur. The lower boundary of the Wartae Subzone of the Bifurcatus Zone in Poland is approximately coeval with the lower boundary of the Schilli Subzone and Zone in Switzerland. The overlying Rotoides Subzone correlates with the upper part of the Wartae Subzone in Poland. Description of topotypes of Perisphinctes (Dichotomoceras) wartae from Cz´stochowa, and the accompanying macroconch species, is provided.





