Stratygrafia dewonu górnego profilu wiercenia Minkowice l (basen lubelski)


  • Hanna Matyja Matyja
  • Barbara Żbikowska


STRATIGRAPHY OF THE UPPER DEVONIAN FROM THE BOREHOLE MINKOWICE 1 (LUBLIN BASIN)SUMMARYA description is given at the stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian sediments from column Minkowice 1 in the Lublin basin. The presence has been observed there of there lithological series, viz. the banded limestones, the nodular limestones and the sandy-limestone-mudstone series, the latter being known as the Huczańska series. Within the nodular limestone series the conodont Palmatolepis crepida and Palmatotepts marginifera Zones have been documented, while the presence of the Palmatolepis rhomboidea and Scaphignathus velifer is also reasonably possible. Moreover, the significance and stratigraphic position are discussed of several forms from the superfamily Rhynchonellacea, so far reported only from the Dinant basin in Belgium. Three new conodont species are described



