The transgressive Cretaceous (Upper Albian through Turonian) deposits of the Polish Jura Chain


  • Ryszard Marcinowski


The paper deals with the transgressive Cretaceous deposits (Upper Albian through Turonian) occurring within the Polish Jura Chain (Southern Poland). Their stratigraphy and facial development in the central and northern part of the area are presented and the influence of pre-Albian marphology of the Upper Jurassic substrate is shown as controlling the sedimentation of the transgressive deposits. A general comment is given on the faunal assemblages while the ammonites are the subject of a detail paleontological description. The resulting conclusions and a comparison with the Cracow Upland lying farther south made it possible to recognize the development at the transgression throughout the whole area of the Polish Jura Chain, and to discuss the position of this region within the southern part of the Central European Basin, during the Upper Cretaceous time.



