Regionalny przekrój geologiczny Kraków-Zakopane w świetle badań sejsmicznych (Karpaty Środkowe)


  • Afrykan Kisłow
  • Stefan Połtowicz


GEOLOGICAL SECTION IN THE KRAKÓW-ZAKOPANE PLANE IN THE LIGHT OF SEISMIC INVESTIGATIONS (MIDDLE CARPATHlANS)SUMMARYAn analysis of the distribution pattern of the apparent velocities of seismic waves in the Kraków-Zakopane section plane, supplemented by deep-boring data, permits to present the main features of geology of the Carpathians and their substratum in a cross section of the Outer Flysch Carpathians. Several regional dislocations, connected with the evolution of the Carpathian foredeep, have been noted in the Mesozoic-Paleozoic substratum. The contact area of the Inner Carpathians with the Outer Carpathians, c. 8 km in width, comprising the Pieniny Klippen Belt and the southern part of the Magura unit, has been interpreted as the consuming plate margin of the Euro-Asiatic plate in the Cretaceous and Tertiary time.Processes taking place in the southern part of the Outer Carpathians Flysch geosynclines have led to the consumption of the plate margin owing to subcrustal convecotion currents while the Flysch of the northern part of the geosyncline has been overthrust northwards.In the light of the presented interpretation the presence of autochtonous Flysch deposits under the Carpathian overthrust seems hardly admissible. 



