Struktury tektoniczne w utworach kredowych niecki warszawskiej i ich związek z dyslokacjami podłoża


  • Maria Bac-Moszaszwili
  • Anna Morawska


Tectonic structures in the cretaceous formations of the Warsaw basin and their relation to the substratum dislocationsThe depression axis of the Warsaw basin runs from the vicinity of Lipno in north through Wyszogród toward Warka I(Fig. 1). A flat, centrally situated depression is to be observed in the :Albian structural horizon along that axis the-sourthwestern limb of which gradually passes into the slop of the Kujawy Arch. It is connected with a deep fracture of the Teisseyre tectonic zone, and its northeastern, limb conected the line of structures of Sierpc-Bielsk-Bodzanów-Dzierżanowo-Sochaczew (Fig. 1, X-XI-XII-XIII-VII), and gently passes into the Mesozoic cover of the-Mazury Elevation. The northern boundary of the Warsaw Basin is connected with the deep fracture Chodzież-Brodnica (Fig. I-XX), and the southeastern one coincides with the Grójec fault (Fig. I-XXII).



