Middle Pleistocene karst deposits with Ursus spelaeus at Draby near Działoszyn, Central Poland


  • Jerzy Głazek
  • Andrzej Sulimski
  • Adam Szynkiewicz
  • Tadeusz Wysoczański-Minkowicz


The Middle Pleistocene karst bone-bearing locality Draby 3 is characterized by the sequence of deposits that fill the karst form. The sequence is divided into cave deposits (Mindel I – Riss l) glacifluvial sands (Riss II) filling a collapse furrow over damaged cave; and the periglacial slope deposits (Wòrm). The layers enriched in hydrated iron and manganese, oxides are interpreted as corresponding to cool and wet kataglacial phase of the MindeI I and Mindel II. Calcareous loam corresponding to the Great (Holstein) Interglacial optimum; contains bones of cave bears, Ursus spelaeus Rosenmòller & Heinroth, the remnants of which belonged to one adult female and two cubs. The age of the bones was determined with the fluorine-chlorine-apatite method as 320,000–440,000, years B. P., whereas great collagen loss indicates warm interglacial climate. The stratigraphic correlation of the investigated sequence is also presented.



