El-Morgan oil field as a major fault-blocks reservoir masked by the thick Miocene salt; a clue for deeper reserves of hydrocarbons in Gulf of Suez Petroleum Province, Egypt


  • M. Hamed Metwalli
  • G. Phllip
  • El-Sayed A. A. Youssef


El-Morgan oil field embraces an area of about 46 km2. The geologic section is represented by post-Miocene and Miocene successions. Pre-Miocene deposits (Eocene and older rocks) are not penetrated fully in the study area (except in El-Morgan well No. 8; M-8) as well as in most of the wells drilled in the GuIf of Suez petroleum province, based on a traditional concept that hydrocarbon accumulations in the Gulf of Suez region are thought to be confined within the Tertiary sediments especially the Miocene. However, detailed studies on the geologic, tectonic setting and the mode of salt movement in this hopeful petroleum province would be of great help in exploring unknown oil reserves underlying the Miocene and even deeper. Also, detailed structural analysis of these areas will modify completely many of the present day concepts in the Gulf of Suez region concerning the type of structures and petroleum traps which are normally masked and sealed by the thick salt section within the Miocene successions.



