Outline of tectogenesis of the platform cover in the Wielkopolska area (W Poland)


  • Paweł Henryk Karnkowski


Thickness maps are presented for the particular series or systems. They have been plotted on the basis of several hundreds of boreholes from the area of Wielkopolska. The analysis shows that vertical movements of subsurface blocks of the Sub-Permian substratum played decisive role in the development (evolution) of the sedimentary cover of the Epi-Variscan platform. The fault network in the analysed area is at least Late Variscan in age and has been probably rejuvenated in several phases of the Alpine cycle. The faults bordering the Wolsztyn ridge and the Poznań-Oleśnica dislocation zone are directly associated with the fractures localised in the Moho surface. Tectonic structures of NW-SE directions show association with the Middle Polish aulacogene. Their origin resulted from the distension conditions that have existed within the marginal zone of the aulacogene which favoured the development of normal faults.



