Dependence of the thickness of Permian to Jurassic sediments in the Miechów Basin on major faults


  • Maciej Hakenberg


The thickness of sediments including those of the Permian to the Jurassic increases in the Miechów Basin from the Silesian-Cracovian monocline towards the Holy Cross Mts and the Radomsko elevation. On the whole the trend of isopachytes is sub-equatorial (WNW-ESE) i.e. following that of the Palaeozoic structures in the Holy Cross Mts and in the substratum of the Miechów Basin; including the major longitudinal dislocations of the Holy Cross Mts, Zbrza and Książ Wielki. The current opinion is that the Holy Cross dislocation separates the Łysogóra and the Kielce region which differ in their palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic development. The present writer believes that a similar role is played by the Zbrza dislocation in relation to the region of Kielce and to the newly differentiated region of Jędrzejów whose southern boundary is limited by the Książ Wielki dislocation. The three regions here mentioned are characterized by the gradually S-N decreasing thickness of deposits, both in the Palaeozoic and the Mesozoic.



