Palynological correlation of the Bunter and Muschelkalk in selected profiles from Western Poland


  • Teresa Orłowska-Zwolińska


The results are here reported of palynological studies on the Middle Bunter, the Rot and the Muschelkalk, from 4 borehole profiles in Western Poland: Połczyn IG-1 Gorzów Wlkp. IG-1,Środa IG-2 and Otyń IG-1. Seven characteristic, stratigraphically important microflora assemblages have been differentiated which were used as a basis for the palynological correlation of deposits. The presence of index species made it possible to compare the microflora here described with that of the same age from sediments of the epicontinental facies and the Alpine Triassic of Europe. This served as a basis for palynological documentation of the Lower and Middle Triassic of Western Poland mostly without fauna.



