South-Polish glaciations (Nidanian, Sanian) in southern Central Poland


  • Leszek Lindner


In southern Central Poland there occur sediments and landforms indicative of a subdivision of the South-Polish (= Cracovian, Mindel) Glaciation into two separate glaciations: Nidanian (= earlier part of the Oka Glaciation, Helme-Kaltzeit) and Sanian (= later part of the Oka Glaciation, Elster-Kaltzeit s. s.), divided by the Malopolanian (= Voigsted-Warmzeit) Interglacial. The latter has been dated by FC1/P and paleomagnetic methods and documented by faunistic remains of the Kozi Grzbiet site, Holy Cross Mts. Within the Sanian Glaciation the two stadials are recognized: older (maximum) and younger (post-maximum) ones, separated by an interstadial period. During the bipartite older stadial of this glaciation the Scandinavian icesheet reached the Carpathians whereas during the younger stadial it occupied only the northern part of the studied area.



