Fluid inclusion studies of Bahariya barites (Western Desert, Egypt)


  • Stanisław Speczik
  • El-Sayed A. A. Youssef


The role of fluid inclusion studies in genetic discussion is examined on the example of barites from the Bahariya Oasis in Egypt. In the previous works, at least one of the barite generations has been interpreted as a result of crystallization from rising hydrothermal solutions. Detailed studies of fluid inclusions in all barites from the Bahariya Oasis prove that they have crystallized from solutions of meteoric origin. Three generations of fluid inclusions have been distinguished. Two of them are related to the barite crystallization and its progressive coalescence and recrystallization; these are predominantly liquid filled. The third generation is connected with infiltration of ascending solutions of meteoric origin; it includes both liquid and gas/liquid inclusions. On the basis of this study the possible mechanism responsible for the formation of gas/liquid inclusions under low temperature conditions is presented.



