Middle Miocene (Badenian) brachiopods from the southern slopes of the Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland
Rich brachiopod assemblage of the Middle Miocene (Badenian) deposits from the southern slopes of the Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland, includes 17 species belonging to 14 genera (2 inarticulate and 7 articulate families). The commonest genera are Megathiris d'ORBIGNY, Argyrotheca DALL, and Megerlia KING, which occur in large concentrations in marls and lithothamnian limestones in Pinczów area. Less common are the genera Terebratula O. F. MÜLLER, Pliothyrina ROY, Platidia da COSTA, Pantellaria DALL, Terebratulina d'ORBIGNY, Lingula BRUGUIÈRE, Crania RETZIUS, Neocrania LEE & BRUNTON, and Craniscus DALL, with Terebratula O. F. MÜLLER and Pliothyrina ROY being the only ones to occur in the sandy facies in Świniary area. Rhynchonellids are almost absent, except for rare occurrences of Cryptopora JEFFREYS and Notosaria COOPER.Downloads