Comparison of the Cenomanian through Middle Turonian faunas and facies between Central and Eastern Europe


  • Karl-Armin Tröger


The German-Polish Basin, the Russian Platform, and adjacent regions as the Northern Caucasus, Mangyshlak, and Kopet-Dag are parts of the Northern Temperate Realm (= Boreal Realm), and belong to the European Paleobiogeographic Province sensu NAIDIN (1969). This is clearly testified by the Cenomanian and Turonian inoceramid assemblages as well as the ammonites and belemnites. The inoceramid zonation as applied in Western Europe can be easily used in Eastern Europe. This identity is also valid for the distribution of bio- and eco-events (Schloenbachia/virgatus Event, Chondrites Event, Mytiloides Event, lamarcki/cuvieri Event) and the stratigraphic location of the barren intervals in this part of the mid-Cretaceous. The gaps in the Middle and Upper Cenomanian and at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary in Eastern Europe are greater than in Western Europe. For lithological comparisons especially the limy offshore development is useful. This comparison shows the whole facies similarity and the same time location of the important facies changes. The basal greensand of the Crimea area can be compared with the Early Cenomanian greensand of the southern Münsterland and eastern Subhercynian regions. The unfossiliferous Upper Cenomanian limestones of the Crimea are closely comparable to the so-called “Arme Rhotomagense Schichten”, and the reddish marls and argilliferous limestones with the "Rotpläner" facies in Western Europe.



